Adding filters in Tableau helps you make your Tableau dashboards more useful. Filters allow you to display subsections of your data set in your dashboard.
One way to add a filter is to use one worksheet that you have in the dashboard as a filter for the other worksheets. To do this, select the filter icon in the menu that appears to the right of the worksheet when you have that worksheet selected.
Another way is to go to the drop down menu to the right of the worksheet, hover over “Filters”, which then brings up a drop down menu in which you can select which of the variables in the worksheet you want to use to filter by.
The video below shows how to do both of these methods for adding filters in less than 3 minutes.
As shown in the above video, adding filters to your Tableau dashboards can make your dashboards more useful and easier to display a selected subsection of your data set.
Data Sources for the data shown in this video:
- U.S. Census Bureau. (2013-17 and 2008-12). American Community Survey 5 Year Estimates. Retrieved February 5, 2020 from
- County Health Rankings and Roadmaps.(2019). 2019 County Health Rankings Virginia. Health Factors: Air Pollution Particulate Matter. Retrieved February 5, 2020 from